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Samsung Galaxy Note 3,三星Galaxy Note 3是一款Android平板电脑手机由三星电子生产的智能手机。 在三星新闻发布会2013年9月4日在德国柏林国际消费电子展期间公布了银河系注3,其在本月晚些时候开始全球发行。 作为一个从非主流的继承者,说明3的目的是要有一个打火机,更高档的银河笔记系列的设计比以前的迭代(用一个塑料皮革支持和人造金属挡板),并扩大对手写笔和面向多任务功能在其软件包括一个新的导航轮笔启用应用程序,随着弹出应用程序和扩展窗口功能。 三星在短短2月内已售出500万的星系注3在第一个月内销售的单位和1000万单位销售。 The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is an Android phablet smartphone produced by Samsung Electronics. The Galaxy Note 3 was unveiled during a Samsung press conference at IFA Berlin on September 4, 2013, with its worldwide release beginning later in the month. Serving as a successor to the Galaxy Note II, the Note 3 was designed to have a lighter, more upscale design than previous iterations of the Galaxy Note series (with a plastic leather backing and faux metallic bezel), and to expand upon the stylusand multitasking-oriented functionality in its softwware—which includes a new navigation wheel for pen-enabled apps, along with pop-up apps and expanded multi-window functionality. Samsung has sold 5 million units of the Galaxy Note 3 within its first month of sale and broke 10 million units sales in just 2 months.